5 Declarations of Faith to Speak Over My Lungs

Our lungs are responsible for bringing oxygen into our body and removing carbon dioxide, which is essential for our survival. You are called to walk in full healing no matter what diagnosis you are given by others. Terms such as asthma, COPD, and even COVID-19 must bow to the name and authority of Jesus.

As believers, we know that God is the ultimate healer and that He desires for us to be in good health. We can align our hearts and minds with God's truth by speaking declarations of faith over our lungs. Here are five declarations of faith you can speak over your lungs:

  1. "I declare that my lungs are healthy and functioning at their full capacity. I trust in God to give me the breath of life and to heal any issues that I may have." (Isaiah 42:5)

  2. "I declare that I am free from fear and anxiety regarding my lung health. I trust that God has healed my body and that He will protect me from harm." (Psalm 23:4)

  3. "I declare that my lungs are healed and made whole. I believe that by the stripes of Jesus, I am healed." (Isaiah 53:5)

  4. "I declare that I have the power to overcome any obstacle that may come my way, including lung-related issues that are spoken over me. I trust in God's strength and power to overcome." (Phil 4:13)

  5. "I declare that I am surrounded by the healing power of God. I receive His healing and wholeness in my lungs." (Psalm 103:3)

    ONLY SPEAK FAITH. Then act on what you have spoken. Breath as strong as you can and demand that your body come into alignment with your faith!

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